Monday, December 3, 2007

Hot hot jakarta

oooo jakarta sangat amat panassssssss

eniweiiiii.. gw uda potong rambut :D .. modelnya jd pendek seleher sih.. cuman dulu kan bekas bop, jd pas panjang jd agak2 aneh gitu.. dimodelin deh, biar panjang makin oke.
Gw ngga sempet foto.. malessh ..

filmnya bagusssss.. cowonya ganteng gitu.. hihihi.. gw ntn ma neti ber2 doang.. tu anak, ntn suka ngomong2 pas filmnya lg diputer,eg. " ehhh ini cowonya pasti abis ini bla bla bla".. gw lgs kepikiran mongkichi deh.. neti en mongkichi, they will fit properly if sit together in CINEMA hahahahhaah.. becoz, both of them, like to "toel2" and/or predict about what the next actions will be in the movie .. maybe, we can call them at spot movie scene predictor. :b

1 comment:

monalogue said...

hihihi.. vin.. enak ya dah sampe indo.. huhuhuh.. btw.. loe dimana2 inget gw terus.. jd terharu.. :P